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The Project

Purple Sage involved a partnership with 5 other community agencies – the Brotherhood of St Laurence, The Stegley Foundation, YWCA, Victorian Local Governance Association and The People Together Project.

Women constituted 75% of the hundreds of Group Leaders who played a critical role in facilitating this ground-breaking, grass roots reflective process.

A special post-election review by the Sunday Age, 24th October 1999, entitled Victoria’s Watershed: Faces of the Revolution, included the following quote regarding the Purple Sage Project:

“[It] tapped into the inchoate unease that Victorians were experiencing about the Kennett revolution… and that it was to become a massive exercise in participatory democracy.”
– Paul Heinrichs



Mary Crooks AO

Mary Crooks AO


“I’ve thought about the first time I realised there was gender inequality quite a bit. It’s hard to pinpoint, but I think one really clear manifestation goes back to my Catholic roots."

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Our History

Our History

so that in this lifetime we will be: equally paid for the same work safe on the streets and in our homes equally represented in our parliament and...

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so that in this lifetime we will be:

  • equally paid for the same work
  • safe on the streets and in our homes
  • equally represented in our parliament and leadership positions
  • in charge of our own bodies

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