Joint statement
We are a group of diverse organisations, unions, researchers, peak bodies, health professionals and lawyers who have come together to say we need to do more to stop sexual harassment in workplaces. Our organisations and research efforts see the effects of sexual harassment on people around Australia every day and how our systems are not working to respond to the issues.
Everyone deserves to be safe at work and in their community. Yet the rates of sexual harassment in Australia are alarming, particularly for women, with 85% having experienced it in their lifetime. Sexual harassment is about more than just individual behaviour. It is a problem that is deeply entrenched within our society and occurs because gender inequality is ingrained in our social and cultural norms, structures and practices.
It’s time that employers and workplaces stamp out sexual harassment. Sexual harassment causes significant harm to individuals, workplaces and society. We know what the solutions are, but we need governments and employers to implement them. We need strong action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, and we need it now. We call on State, Territory and Federal Governments across Australia to take urgent and coordinated action to implement the following solutions.
- Dedicated prevention efforts to address the underlying gendered drivers of sexual harassment, which should be part of a holistic strategy to prevent violence against women and promote gender equality in line with Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia.
- Stronger and clearer legal duties on employers to take proactive steps to prevent sexual harassment at work, and strong and effective regulators that have the full suite of regulatory tools and resources necessary to effectively tackle sexual harassment, including as a cultural, a systemic and a health and safety issue.
- Access to fair, effective and efficient complaints processes, including a new right of action under the Fair Work Act, extended time limits, increased transparency of conciliation outcomes where appropriate, and other amendments and resources necessary to address the unique barriers that currently prevent workers who experience sexual harassment from taking effective legal action.
- Appropriate advocacy and support for workers who experience sexual harassment, including access to information, counselling and legal services that are appropriately resourced and coordinated.
- Accessible reporting tools, including piloting an online reporting tool that assists people to report and address problem behaviour and seek support, and identifies trends to assist with prevention and enforcement efforts.
We stand together to call for change to create sexual harassment free workplaces.
Today the AHRC released their Respect@Work report on sexual harassment in workplaces, read it here.
In February 2021, the above recommendations were endorsed by Women Deliver and Focus2030 in the Citizens call for a gender equal world: A roadmap for action report. This report presents the findings from a survey of 17 countries which measured the public’s support for gender equality, highlights the actions individuals expect their governments and decision-makers to take to address gender inequality, and explains the gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also provided data breakdown by country including Australia.
List of Signatories (as at October 2019):
- Alice Springs Women’s Shelter
- Annie North Inc
- Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union – Victoria Branch
- Australian Council for International Development
- Australian Council of Social Service
- Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
- Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group, Academic forum
- Australian Education Union – Victoria
- Australian Lawyers’ Alliance
- Australian Manufacturing Worker’s Union Victorian Branch
- Australian Services Union Victorian and Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch
- Australian Women Against Violence Alliance
- Basic Rights Queensland
- Centres Against Sexual Assault Forum
- CFMEU Construction and General Division Victoria and Tasmanian Branch
- Community and Public Sector Union – PSU Group
- Community Broadcasting Association of Australia
- Community Legal Centres’ NSW
- Disability Discrimination Legal Service
- Djirra
- Domestic Violence NSW
- Domestic Violence Victoria
- Dr Alysia Blackham, Academic
- Dr Belinda Smith, Associate Professor of Sydney Law School, University of Sydney
- Dr Cristy Clark, Legal Academic
- Dr Dominique Allen, Legal Academic
- Dr Karen O’Connell, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UTS
- Dr Paula McDonald, Legal Academic
- Dr Sara Charlesworth, Legal Academic
- Drummond Street Services
- Emeritus Professor Margaret Thornton of Australian National University College of Law
- Emma Coetsee, Human Rights Consultant
- Equality Rights Alliance
- Fair Agenda
- Federation of Community Legal Centres
- Finance Sector Union of Victoria
- Fitted for Work
- Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC)
- Gippsland Sexual and Reproductive Health Alliance
- Gippsland Women’s Health
- Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
- Gordon Legal
- Health and Community Services Union
- Human Rights Law Centre
- Independent Education Union Victoria and Tasmania
- International Women’s Development Agency
- Job Watch
- Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research, UTS
- Justice Connect
- Karen Willis, Executive Officer, Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia
- Kingsford Legal Centre
- Liam Elphick, Legal Academic
- Maritime Union of Australia
- Maurice Blackburn
- Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
- Migrant Workers’ Centre
- Minus18
- National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC)
- National Working Women’s Centres
- Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission
- Not in My Workplace
- NOW Australia
- NT Working Women’s Centre
- Professor Beth Gaze, Academic
- Public Health Association of Australia
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Rail Bus and Tram Union
- Redfern Legal Centre
- RMIT Centre for People, Organisation & Work (CPOW)
- Ruby Gaea Darwin Centre Against Sexual Violence
- Sexual Assault Support Service Inc
- Shop Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association (SDA) National
- Slater & Gordon Lawyers
- St Kilda Legal Service
- Switchboard Victoria
- Thorne Harbour Health
- Unions NSW
- United Voice
- University of Melbourne Students Union
- Victoria Legal Aid
- Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
- Victorian Council of Social Service
- Victorian Multicultural Commission
- Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC)
- Victorian Women’s Lawyers
- Victorian Women’s Trust
- Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service Inc.
- WestJustice
- Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE)
- Women with Disabilities Victoria
- Women’s Electoral Lobby
- Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West
- Women’s Health Goulburn North East
- Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE)
- Women’s Health NSW
- Women’s Health Victoria
- Women’s Health West
- Women’s Information and Referral Exchange Inc
- Women’s Legal Centre ACT
- Women’s Legal Service NSW
- Women’s Legal Service Victoria
- Women’s Legal Services Australia
- Women’s Property Initiatives
- Working Women Queensland
- Working Women’s Centre South Australia Inc
- Young Workers’ Centre
- Youth Affairs Council Victoria
- YWCA Australia