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Inquiry into economic equity for Victorian women

On 8th March 2021, the Victorian Women’s Trust added our voice to the the Inquiry into economic equity for Victorian women.

The Inquiry will consider the extent, nature and magnitude of workplace and economic inequity for women in Victoria, and will make recommendations for suitable policy options for the Victorian Government to redress the systemic disadvantage for women highlighted by the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on workplace and economic equity for women in Victoria.

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Snap Forward Feminist Policy Network: Submission to Senate Committee on COVID-19

Snap Forward Feminist Policy Network: Submission to Senate Committee on COVID-19

Policy Submissions

In signing on to this joint submission, the Victorian Women's Trust joins 70+ other organisations and individuals calling for a gender-responsive COVID-19 recovery over the immediate and longer term.

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Joint statement on COVID-19 and the effect on women and gender diverse people

Joint statement on COVID-19 and the effect on women and gender diverse people

Policy Submissions

VWT partnered with Gender Equity Victoria and 100+ Victorian women's organisations to release a joint statement on ten things the Government must do to address the impacts of COVID-19 on women and gender diverse people.

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VWT sign onto Australian Charter of Rights campaign

VWT sign onto Australian Charter of Rights campaign

Policy Submissions

VWT is delighted to endorse the campaign for an Australian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.

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2020 Climate Change Bill submission

2020 Climate Change Bill submission

Policy Submissions

On 26 November 2020, VWT submitted to the House Committee on Energy and the Environment on the 2020 Climate Change Bill, introduced by Independent MP Zali Steggall.

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2019 AHRC Sexual Harassment Inquiry

2019 AHRC Sexual Harassment Inquiry

Policy Submissions

Sexual harassment at work flourishes in places where sexual discrimination goes unchecked and full gender equality remains a distant hope. Sexual harassment is fuelled by organisations that remain overly masculine; are unequal from top to bottom; and which manifest cultures of permissiveness towards perpetrators and silencing of those harmed. 

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2019 Gender Equality Bill

2019 Gender Equality Bill

Policy Submissions

On September 27 2018, the Trust contributed a policy submission to the Victorian Government Gender Equality Bill 2018 Discussion Paper. In our submission we have chosen to address the discussion paper questions where we believe our experience as a women’s organisation can value-add to this important discussion surrounding the intention, implementation, inclusion and evaluation of the proposed legislation.

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2019 Vic Gender Responsive Budgeting Inquiry

2019 Vic Gender Responsive Budgeting Inquiry

Policy Submissions

In our view, two critical dimensions to getting gender responsive budgeting right in the first place, and upholding these propositions, is to acknowledge women’s unpaid and care work, and to count it.

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  • safe on the streets and in our homes
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