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June 2017 Consultation for non-consensual sharing of intimate images online

The consultation was to assist in providing advice to the Government on establishing a new prohibition at the Commonwealth level on the non-consensual sharing of intimate images, and implementing a civil regime designed to deter and penalise persons and content hosts who share intimate images or videos of a person without their consent.

Our Rosie Project Officer Maddy Crehan, Club Respect Project Officer Grace Mountford and Research & Advocacy Officer Casimira Melican collaborated to answer the thirty eight discussion paper question using their experience and knowledge to inform the responses.

The Trust’s submission highlighted:

  • the importance of recognising that the harms caused in virtual spaces can be of equal if not exponentially greater than in physical spaces due to the anonymity and plasticity of online identities; global reach of the internet; and the ease of access for individuals;
  • that education around consent is vital for children, teenagers and adults who need support to make choices about their sexuality that is based on equality, dignity, and respect; and
  • the importance of a victim-led process when considering this issue so that their wishes are respected at every stage of the identification, reporting and processes regarding sexual harassment and abuse online.

Click below to download the Trust’s submission.


Rosie Project Officer Maddy Crehan and Research & Advocacy Officer Casimira Melican also attended the Melbourne consultation workshop with the Department of Communications and the Arts at the end of July 2017 which was an opportunity to gain insight into policy processes at a federal level.

The new civil penalties legislation came into effect in September 2018 and you can read about it here. 

2018 Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill

2018 Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill

Policy Submissions

In our submission, we discuss the scourge that domestic violence constitutes in our society and the legislative and policy intervention vacuum that has persisted in Australia since federation which has ensure the deeply embedded, systemic and wicked nature of this problem.

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2018 Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill Inquiry

2018 Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill Inquiry

Policy Submissions

On the 25th of January, Isabelle Hughes, our Policy Intern,  produced a policy submission in response to the proposed changes contained in the Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform Bill 2017.

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2017 Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus Savings and Child Care Reform) Bill

2017 Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus Savings and Child Care Reform) Bill

Policy Submissions

The Trust’s submission addressed the schedules in the Bill which addressed Australia’s child care and paid parental leave (PPL) schemes. Our submission emphasised that the benefits of a flexible and generous social security system are then manifest at every level of society with benefits reaching far into Australia’s future.

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2017 Setting The Agenda-Labor's National Conversation on Gender Equity

2017 Setting The Agenda-Labor's National Conversation on Gender Equity

Policy Submissions

We believe Labor has a unique opportunity in Setting The Agenda to build momentum and a political appetite for bold, sophisticated and measured policies which lead to gender equality and to real and lasting and positive change.

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2017 Gender segregation in the workplace and its impact on women's economic security

2017 Gender segregation in the workplace and its impact on women's economic security

Policy Submissions

In our submission we stated that in order to remove structural inequalities which segregate our workplace along gender lines and contribute enormously to the gender pay gap there needs to be a complete overhaul of the norms which dictate our working lives.

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2016 Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council’s Sentencing Guidance Reference Consultations

2016 Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council’s Sentencing Guidance Reference Consultations

Policy Submissions

On 29 January 2016, the Trust submitted a policy submission to the Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council on the topic of maximum sentencing penalties for sexual offences, particularly those involving a child.

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2016 Victorian Gender Equality Strategy Consultations

2016 Victorian Gender Equality Strategy Consultations

Policy Submissions

Featuring Trust projects such as Vida’s Voices; Here She is!; Rosie; Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives; and Getting the Balance Right we give a number of recommendations to the Victorian Government to achieve gender equality in Victoria going forward.

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2016 Letter of Support for the Victorian Government Gender Equality Strategy

2016 Letter of Support for the Victorian Government Gender Equality Strategy

Policy Submissions

On 14 November 2016, the Trust sent our endorsement of the Victorian Government’s Gender Equality Strategy to 22 Victorian Parliamentarians.

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2016 Harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the internet

2016 Harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the internet

Policy Submissions

Our submission highlighted that education around consent and respectful relationships was the best way to empower young people to navigate a world where the pornography is easily accessible to them and their peers.

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2016 Fairer Paid Parental Leave Bill Submission

2016 Fairer Paid Parental Leave Bill Submission

Policy Submissions

Our submission expressed concern that the Paid Parental Leave Scheme proposed under the Bill is inadequate to meet the central purposes of the government's scheme. .

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2016 Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality Submission

2016 Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality Submission

Policy Submissions

This submission focused on the role of men in reducing attitudes which condone violence against women by adopting positive practices and attitudes to advance gender equality in their own lives and amongst their peers and family.

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2016 Births, Deaths and Marriages Amendment Bill Endorsement Letter

2016 Births, Deaths and Marriages Amendment Bill Endorsement Letter

Policy Submissions

On 21 November, the Trust sent our endorsement of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Amendment Bill 2016 which removes the current requirement that an adult undergo sex affirmation surgery and be unmarried in order to alter the sex recorded in their Victorian birth registration to 31 Victorian Parliamentarians.

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2015 Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence Joint Submission

2015 Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence Joint Submission

Policy Submissions

The Trust joined with SafeSteps, EDVOS, WISHIN and the Safe Futures Foundation to collaborate on a joint submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence.

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2015 Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence

2015 Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence

Policy Submissions

Our submission focussed on Point 14 of the Discussion Paper provided by the Royal Commission.

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2015 Inquiry into the economic security of women in retirement

2015 Inquiry into the economic security of women in retirement

Policy Submissions

This submission draws on previous research and other initiatives undertaken by the Victorian Women’s Trust over the past decade or more to highlight the issue of young women’s levels of financial literacy and relative disengagement with the superannuation system.

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  • equally paid for the same work
  • safe on the streets and in our homes
  • equally represented in our parliament and leadership positions
  • in charge of our own bodies