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Our partners


We work alongside organisations that understand that gender equality is key to a fair future for all:

“…linking with a powerful feminist organisation like VWT, means that we can put our heads together and combine our skills and communities to solve some of the big challenges of our time when it comes to women, money & power.

Women supporting women is at the heart of everything we are about, and to be able to do this at an organisation level is incredibly powerful as well.”

– Christine Hobbs, CEO, Verve

“The Melbourne Storm partnership with VWT has affirmed our role in being circuit-breakers in the lives of our young men, helping them as men to go on and have a fulfilling and enjoyable respectful relationship with their partners and in their lives generally.”

– Peter Robinson, Player Welfare and Education manager, Melbourne Storm

Become a VWT partner

We build strong partnerships with organisations that believe gender equality is the future. Interested in becoming a partner?

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