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We've come a long way — but we're not there yet.

150 years ago in Australia women had no political voice, few protections from poverty or harm and Indigenous women had no rights at all. We’ve come a long way since then, but there’s still important work to be done. Trace the history of women’s rights in Australia and the issues still lagging behind. The future is gender equality — but it’s up to us to make it happen!

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that the following timeline contains images of deceased persons.


First female trade union

The Tailoresses’ Association of Melbourne, Australia’s first female trade union, was established at a meeting held in Trades Hall on 15 December 1882.

Watch: Dr. Clare Wright 'Making Waves, Making History'

In this keynote (captured at Breakthrough 2016) Dr. Wright remembers the women across our history who resisted and endured.

Dr. Clare Wright is an Associate Professor of History at La Trobe University.

Read transcript

Watch: 150 years of hard won victories

Age of consent raised from 13 to 16 years

The outcry provoked by W. T. Stead’s series of articles entitled The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon published in the Pall Mall Gazette in 1885, pushed British legislators to raise the age of consent to 16 years, and stirred reformers in  the British Empire, the United States and Europe to push for similar legislation.

Monster Petition for the women’s vote

Dedicated women took to the streets on foot in 1891 to collect signatures for a petition to present to the Parliament of Victoria seeking the right to vote. The result was an impressive collection of close to 30,000 signatures.



Blind girls and boys able to receive an education

The Elementary Education Amendment Act made the education of blind and deaf children compulsory and enabled the provision of special schools for blind and deaf children.

Women win the right to vote and stand for election in South Australia

South Australia was the first Australian colony to give women the vote, and only the fourth place in the world to do so, following New Zealand 18 months earlier. South Australian women also had the right to stand for elections and at the time, it was the only place in the world where women had such rights.


Non-Indigenous women win the right to vote and stand for Federal election

Suffragette lobbying saw the Commonwealth Franchise Act enacted on June 12, 1902. It enabled all non-Indigenous women aged 21 and over to vote in federal elections and stand for the Australian Parliament.

Women stand for Federal elections for the first time

One of the first women to stand for elections was Vida Goldstein (pictured). She was a suffragette, social reformist, and fervent campaigner for equal property rights for spouses, the abolition of child labour and equal pay for equal work. She was the first woman in the British empire to stand for parliament.


Women gain the right to vote in Victorian elections

After 19 private members bills, women were finally granted the right to vote in Victorian state elections, although they remained unable to stand for election.

Housewives Cooperative Association forms in Victoria

The Housewives Co-operative Association (later the Housewives Association of Victoria) became one of the largest women’s organisations in the state with 77,000 members by 1938. Image: Victorian Housewives Association in model kitchen, c1938


Susan Grace Benny first woman councillor in Australia

On 22 December 1919 Grace Benny became the first female member of a local government council in Australia. Believing that there was work in this area which only a woman was likely to initiate, she represented the newly created Seacliff ward.

Mary Rogers elected as first woman councillor in Victoria

On 5 November 1920 Mary Rogers was elected to Richmond City Council, becoming the first woman councillor in Victoria, and the second in Australia (after Grace Benny).


Country Women's Association forms

The Country Women’s Association is a non-sectarian, non-party-political, non-profit lobby group working predominantly in the interests of women and children in rural areas.

The right to stand for Victorian elections

Women won an equal right to stand for election in the state of Victoria.


First woman elected to House of Representatives and Senate

In August 1943, Enid Lyons (pictured on right) was the first Australian woman to be elected to the House of Representatives. Dorothy Tangney became the first woman senator, elected to represent WA in the Senate.

The Country Women's Association becomes national

Delegates from the six State Country Women’s Associations came together and voted to form the national body in 1945.


Marriage Bar lifted for women teachers

The Marriage Bar meant that women working in education were not permitted to teach after marriage. Women’s teaching status was commonly restricted to ‘temporary’, as after marriage they were thought to be more likely “to follow a career path in the home rather than the education department”. After extensive lobbying by the Temporary Teachers’ Club, this was lifted in 1956.

Access to the contraceptive pill with conditions

For the first time, women could prevent pregnancy by taking the contraception pill. Although initially available only to women with a prescription and a husband, the first contraceptive pill was also burdened with a 27.5% ‘luxury’ tax.



Indigenous women win the right to vote in Federal elections

The 1962 Commonwealth Electoral Act provided all Indigenous Australians with the right to enrol and vote in Federal elections.

The Nursing Mothers' Association founded

Established by Mary Paton and five of her friends – Jan Barry, Glenise Francis, Pat Paterson, Pauline Pick and Sue Woods, this support group was aimed at providing mothers with quality information and help around breastfeeding. The Postmaster General’s Department would not allow the word ‘breastfeeding’ to be printed in the telephone directory, and so the name the Nursing Mothers’ Association was chosen. Now known as the Australian Breastfeeding Association, the group remains highly influential in advocating for and supporting mothers to breastfeed.


Women demand the right to drink in public bars

In an act of protest, Merle Thornton and Rosalie Bogner (pictured) famously chained themselves to the bar at the Regatta Hotel in Brisbane. They acknowledged that this was by no means the most important gender discrimination issue, but one they could make a quick impact upon.

Lifting of marriage bar in the Commonwealth public service

Married women were no longer forced to relinquish their paid work, and forfeit their superannuation rights or compelled to attempt to conceal their relationship status upon getting married.



Aboriginal women and men recognised as citizens

The 1967 Constitutional Referendum recognised Indigenous Australians as citizens, and they were included in the census. A 90% affirmative vote approved the constitutional amendment, passed by both Houses of Parliament unanimously.

First abortion rights granted (with conditions)

A landmark Supreme Court ruling (the Menhennitt ruling) established that an abortion is lawful. However, only if there is an honest belief on reasonable grounds that an abortion is necessary and proportionate, based on a woman’s physical and mental wellbeing being in serious danger.


Victorian Aboriginal and Islander Women's Council forms

Established by Geraldine Briggs, Margaret Tucker, and Merle Jackomos, in conjunction with other prominent women of the time. The Victorian Aboriginal and Islander Women’s Council lobbied government on issues of specific concern to Indigenous women, such as cultural preservations, land ownership and the employment of Aboriginal welfare workers.


Daughters of Bilitis Formed

In 1970 Australia’s first political organisation for homosexuals Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) (‘Bilitis’ refers, esoterically, to the lesbian poetry of Sappho), formed after contact with the US chapter of DOB.  According to Australian gay historian Graham Willett, ‘For two years, relying on a sympathetic curiosity from the media, it worked to influence opinion-makers, as well as providing social support for lesbians. In mid-1970, DOB rejected the US group and its radicalisation, renaming itself the Australasian Lesbian Movement (ALM). This marked a retreat from political activity, which increasingly fell to Society Five and Gay Liberation. The ALM operated as a social group until its demise in 1973.’


Women's Electoral Lobby Formed

One day in February 1972, a handful of politically active feminists attended the first ever meeting of the Women’s Electoral Lobby in Melbourne. Since that day, WEL has been helping women achieve fairer pay, more opportunity and protection from sexism, discrimination and violence. They have become a formidable force in Australian politics and public life.

National Council of Aboriginal and Islander Women

Coming directly out of the Victorian Aboriginal and Islander Women’s Council, the national body gave Aboriginal and Islander women across Australia the ability to lobby and voice their concerns to government.


The right to equal pay

Conciliation and Arbitration Commission grants equal pay for men and women. A million female workers became eligible for full pay, and an overall rise in women’s wages of around 30%.

Contraceptive pill becomes widely available

The Women’s Electoral Lobby pressured Labor to modernise Australia’s approach to contraception and the newly elected Prime Minister obliged, abolishing the luxury tax on all contraceptives and put the pill on the National Health Scheme list.


Federal Child Care Act passes

This Act meant that centre-based day care facilities were funded for children of sick or working parents, soon followed by family day care, after school hours care and playgroups.

Single Mother's Benefit Introduced

The benefit provided financial assistance to single mothers who were not eligible for the widows pension (eligible only to divorced women, or those whose husbands were in prison or a mental hospital). The benefit was later extended to include all single parents.



Paid maternity leave for Commonwealth employees

The Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act, provided Commonwealth public servants with 12 weeks paid (and 40 weeks unpaid) maternity leave.

Government investment in new range of services

For the first time, significant government funding goes into women’s health centres, child care centres, working women’s centres, and Equal Employment Opportunity policies in employment, education, training and housing.


Equal minimum wage granted

Although the 1969 equal pay case had lead to some improvements in women’s wages, in 1974, the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission extended the minimum wage to include women workers. The following week Muriel Heagney, a long time campaigner for equal wages for women, died in poverty at the age of 89.

First woman cabinet minister

Dame Margaret Guilfoyle was the first woman to be appointed to federal Cabinet as a minister. She held the portfolio of Education and Social Security in the Fraser Liberal Government.


Women's refuges funded

Domestic and family violence against women and children was a central concern of second wave feminists. The issue was not recognised by the law, and there was little recourse for protection or escape for many subjected to abuse. In 1975, the Whitlam government funded the first handful of women’s refuges.

Women can file for no-fault divorce

The Family Law Act established the principle of no-fault divorce in Australian law. ‘No-fault’ means that a court does not consider which partner was at fault in the marriage breakdown.


Racial Discrimination Act passes

Making racial discrimination in certain contexts unlawful in Australia, overriding States and Territory legislation.

UN World Conference of the International Women's Year

The first world conference on women was convened by the United Nations in Mexico City, June 19, 1975. Elizabeth Reid, who became the first adviser on women’s affairs to a head of state when appointed by the Whitlam government in 1973, led the Australian delegation.


Rape in marriage outlawed in South Australia

South Australia began the process of abolishing the immunity of rape within marriage, in passing the Act which made marital or spousal rape a criminal offence.


Employment discrimination on the basis of gender and marital status outlawed

Victorian Equal Opportunity Act created the Equal Opportunity Board and the Office of Equal Opportunity Commissioner. The Act outlawed discrimination based on marital status and gender in employment, education, accommodation and provision of goods and services.


Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency established

The VACCA was born of an urgent concern in the Victorian Aboriginal community about the large number of Aboriginal children being removed from their families and adopted or fostered into non-Aboriginal families.


Reclaim the Night Rallies

The first Reclaim the Night marches were held to protest violence and sexual assault against women. Many of the protests were held in red light districts and focused particularly on violence against sex workers.


Unpaid maternity leave

Women employed on a long-term basis (i.e., 12 months or more) were entitled to 52 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. Although, this did not include any maternity leave pay.

National peak body for Aboriginal Child Care Agencies is established

Secretariat National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Agencies (SNAICC) is a national non-government peak child care body in Australia that represents the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.



Australia ratifies the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

Described as an ‘International Bill of Rights for Women‘, the Convention was adopted by the United Nations in 1979. It defines what constitutes discrimination against women and establishes an agenda for national action.

Victorian Women’s Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archives Inc Formed

The Victorian Women’s Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archives Inc was set up in 1983 with the objective of collecting any materials relating to any initiatives which came under the umbrella of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Victoria from 1969 onwards. The ongoing objectives of the Archives is to store, preserve, archive and utilise this material for research and education of the broader community.


Victorian Women's Trust established

The Victorian Women’s Trust (VWT) was created in 1985 with a state government gift of $1 million. For over thirty years, we have been promoting true gender equality through annual grants, targeted research, education, policy submissions, events and more.

International Women's Development Agency established

International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) works in partnership across the Asia Pacific region and collaborates on research, advocacy and policy to advance gender equality and to empower women as agents of this change.


First woman to be speaker in the House of Representatives

Joan Child became the first female speaker in the House of Representatives in 1986. She was a member of the Australian Labor party at the time and a member for the seat of Henty.

First woman to lead a parliamentary political party

Janine Haines became the first female leader of the Australian Democrats.



First woman to be appointed as High Court Judge

Mary Genevieve Gaudron QC (born 5 January 1943), is an Australian lawyer and judge, who was the first female Justice of the High Court of Australia.

First female Premier in Victoria

Joan Kirner AC was Victoria’s first and only female Premier, serving from 1990 to 1992.


First woman elected to chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC)

Lowitja (Lois) O’Donoghue was elected as the first chair of ATSIC. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) was a Commonwealth statutory authority and the peak representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.

Coalition of Activist Lesbians Australia Formed

The Coalition of Activist Lesbians Australia (C.O.A.L) was formed to end discrimination against lesbians. COAL lobbies the Australian Commonwealth and other state and territory Governments to remove discrimination against lesbians. They are Australia’s national lesbian advocacy organisation and is the only United Nations accredited lesbian non-government organisation.


Victoria Equal Opportunity Act amended to outlaw sexual harrassment

The amendment made it against the law to sexually harass or treat someone unfairly because of their age, carer status, disability, industrial activity, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental status, physical features, pregnancy, race, religious belief/activity, sex and personal association with someone else perceived to have one or more of the listed attributes.


First woman elected President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions

Jennie George created history when she was appointed the first woman President of the ACTU in 1996.


Women's History Month in Australia Launched

Hon. Margaret Reid, Senator for the ACT and President of the Senate, launched Women’s History Month 2000, in Parliament House Canberra.

Law of provocation abolished in Victoria

The Crimes Act was amended to remove the defence of provocation which had been used to have murder reduced to the lesser charge of manslaughter. From this point on, situations in which a person kills as a response to long-term abuse and family violence would be taken into account.


Abortion decriminalised in Victoria

Decriminalisation mean that women had the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy, and medical staff the right to perform terminations up to 24 weeks, free from the threat of criminal prosecution. Beyond the gestational limit of 24 weeks, a medical practitioner can provide an abortion if another medical practitioner agrees that an abortion is appropriate.

First female Governor General

On the September 5, 2008, Dame Quentin Bryce assumed the office of Governor-General of Australia, the twenty-fifth person to hold the office — and the first and only woman.


First female Prime Minister

On 24 June 2010 Julia Gillard became Australia’s 27th Prime Minister and the first woman to hold the office.

Melbourne Branch of SlutWalk Founded

SlutWalk was founded in 2011 after a Toronto Police Services representative announced that women could reduce their risk of sexual assault by not dressing like “sluts”. His comments sparked outrage and a global protest movement took roots, leading to the formation of a strong contingent in Melbourne.



First Aboriginal Australian woman elected to UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous issues

Megan Davis was nominated by the Federal Government and elected in a vote by countries in the UN’s Economic and Social Council.

Australia's first national paid parental leave scheme

The scheme allows eligible working parents to receive parental leave pay for 18 weeks while taking time off to care for newborns or newly adopted children.


Watch: The Hon. Julia Gillard's Famous Misogyny Speech (2012)

I say to the Leader of the Opposition I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. I will not. And the Government will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man. Not now, not ever.

The Hon. Julia Gillard

Read the Transcript


Victorian abortion buffer zone laws prohibit protesters from harassing women

The buffer zone laws make it illegal for anti-abortion protesters to harass or film women going into or coming out of clinics within 150 metres of the clinic.


Victorian Government commits to 50% women on public boards and in the judiciary

This was originally implemented in 2009, but lacked enforcement. Under a new move and renewed commitment, ministers became liable for ensuring that appointments meet the requirements.


Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence

The Victorian Commission into Family Violence in 2015 saw that while both men and women can be perepetrators or victims of family violence, overwhelmingly the majority of perpetrators are men and the victims are women and children.


First Indigenous woman elected to House of Representatives

Linda Burney was the first Indigenous woman to be elected into the House of Representatives in July 2016. Burney is aiming to solve some indigenous issues in parliament and possibly make a treaty with the Indigenous people.


Breakthrough 2016 was: “the biggest gender equality conference in the nation’s history and the largest event of its kind in a generation”.

Hosted by the Victorian Women’s Trust, Breakthrough was a coming together of all kinds of people and 100+ speakers to talk about the most important opportunity of our time: gender equality.

Learn more


Launch of Women's Australian Football League

After much deliberation and controversy, the Women’s AFL League was finally launched on February 3rd, 2017 at Ikon Park in Melbourne.

First woman to breastfeed while passing a motion in Australian parliament

Larrisa Waters fed three month old Alia Joy while passing a motion in the Senate. Waters had previously made headlines as the first parent to breastfeed in the Senate Chamber.


The Tampon Tax repealed by Australian Parliament

Following an 18 year campaign, state and territory governments voted unanimously to remove the GST tax on tampons and sanitary products for women which had previously categorised them as ‘luxury items’.

Matildas Earn Gender Equity with the Socceroos

The Matildas will earn the same pay as Socceroos players under a landmark deal announced by Football Federation Australia. This makes the Matildas the first female team in world football to be guaranteed equal pay to their male counterparts.


About Bloody Time Released

Our new book, About Bloody Time: the Menstrual Revolution We Have to Have, written by Karen Pickering (feminist organiser) and Jane Bennett (menstrual educator) was officially launched through a series of community events around the state of Victoria. About Bloody Time makes the case for menstrual revolution as an essential key to unlocking gender equality.

Equal Gender Representation in Australian Senate

With the swearing-in of Sarah Henderson, the senate now has equal gender representation. Henderson filled the casual vacancy created by the resignation of Mitch Fifield, the Senate now comprises 38 women and 38 men.


Abortion Decriminalised in New South Wales

Abortion will be removed from NSW’s 119-year-old Crimes Act after the controversial bill passed the state’s lower house to applause. MPs voted in favour of the amended legislation, a day after it passed the upper house after nearly 40 hours of discussion. The bill was passed with no division.

Tasmanian Government to Amend Gag Laws for Sexual Assault Survivors

Survivors of sexual crime in Tasmania will finally be free to speak publicly, with the state government set to amend a legislative loophole that has previously forbidden them from self-identifying in the media. The changes are the result of the powerful #letherspeak campaign which has been spearheaded by survivors bravely sharing their own stories of sexual abuse.


Gender Equality Bill

The Australian-first Gender Equality Bill was introduced into the Victorian Parliament, delivering on a key election commitment and making once-in-a-generation reforms to ensure gender equality is non-negotiable. This bill places gender equality in law for the first time in Australia. 

First Pregnant leader of an Australian Political Party

Victorian Greens leader Samantha Ratnam has made history as the first pregnant leader of an Australian political party.


History belongs to all of us: Add your voice

We want to hear from you! What are your favourite breakthrough moments for gender equality in Australia?

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Australia Sets Record for Women and Indigenous Athletes at 2020 Olympics

For the first time, Australia sent more women than men to compete in the Olympics. Of the 472 Australian athletes in Tokyo, 254 were women. Additionally, 16 Indigenous athletes were selected to compete in 11 sports, marking a new record for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation, surpassing the previous record of 12 athletes.


The Black Lives Matter and Stop Black Deaths in Custody Movement in Australia

In 1991, a formal inquest into Aboriginal deaths found that Indigenous people were 16.5 times more likely to die in police custody and faced disproportionately higher incarceration rates compared to non-Indigenous Australians. Since then, over 400 Indigenous people have died in police custody as of 2020. This, alongside the US-based global Black Lives Matter movement, inspired the Stop Black Deaths in Custody movement, which gained significant traction in 2020. Indigenous women and experienced activists led the cause, campaigning for recognition, law reform, and compensation for the victims’ families.

Susan Kiefel’s Actions to Improve the High Court After Sexual Harassment Incidents

After it was revealed that former judge Dyson Heydon sexually harassed six young female associates between 2003 and 2013, Chief Justice Susan Kiefel led policy and workplace cultural reforms at the High Court. Kiefel stated, “We’re ashamed that this could have happened at the High Court of Australia.” She detailed changes to prevent future incidents, including clarifying associate role requirements and strengthening HR policies on harassment. Upon learning of the allegations in 2019, Kiefel immediately commissioned an independent inquiry led by Vivienne Thom, former Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.


Grace Tame: Australian of the Year 2021

Grace Tame was named Australian of the Year in 2021 for her advocacy in the #LetHerSpeak and End Rape on Campus campaigns. Her work follows her own experience of child sexual abuse by a former high school teacher. Tame’s advocacy led to the repeal of a Tasmanian law that banned sexual assault victims from speaking out against their abusers, while the accused could speak freely. In March 2020, the law was amended, allowing survivors to speak publicly about their experiences. Since winning the award, Tame has focused on changing similar laws in other states and territories. Additionally, she played a key role in organising the March 4 Justice movement and continues to be a powerful advocate and inspiration for women and survivors across Australia.

March4Justice and Brittany Higgins

Tens of thousands of survivors, allies, and concerned Australians marched to demand an end to gender-based discrimination and violence. This movement was sparked by Brittany Higgins, who came forward as a survivor of rape that occurred while she worked at the national parliament. The public was outraged by the Morrison government’s inadequate and offensive response, including comments and attitudes from the Prime Minister and national officials, which failed to address the seriousness of the issue and support survivors of sexual assault.


Female Australian Researchers at the Forefront of COVID-19 Vaccine Development

The COVID-19 pandemic spurred a global race to develop an effective vaccine. In Australia, female researchers played pivotal roles in this effort. Liz Chatwin, president of AstraZeneca in Australia and New Zealand, and Bev Menner, COVID-19 response manager at CSL, were among the many female scientists collaborating with international organisations and the Australian government to develop vaccines and effective management strategies for COVID-19.

Victoria Passes the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021

This act aims to protect Victorians from harmful practices by organisations and individuals attempting to “fix,” convert, or change members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Those who advertise or conduct such practices now face criminal charges and fines up to $10,000. This legislation ensures that all lesbian, queer and gender-diverse individuals in Victoria are protected against conversion attempts.


Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces (The Jenkins Report)

The Independent Review, led by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, aimed to ensure the safety and respectfulness of all Commonwealth Parliamentary workplaces. Inspired by Brittany Higgins’ experience, the report focuses on preventing and addressing sexual harassment and assault. Key findings include the need for improved leadership, diversity, equality, and inclusion practices. The report also highlights deficiencies in performance support systems, reporting standards, accountability, and overall safety and well-being.

Linda Burney became the First Indigenous Female Indigenous Affairs Minister

With the election of the Anthony Albanese’s Labour government in 2022, Linda Burney was appointed as the first Indigenous woman to hold the Indigenous Affairs portfolio. Burney was also the first Indigenous person to be elected in the New South Wales State government after a landslide victory in 2003.


National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children (2022-2032)

On October 17, 2022, the Australian, state, and territory governments released the National Plan. This comprehensive policy framework guides efforts to end violence against women and children over the next decade. The shared vision is to eliminate gender-based violence within one generation. The plan focuses on four key domains: prevention; early intervention; response; recovery and healing.

Rise of the Teal Independents

Dubbed as the so-called  “teal” independents, these individuals represent a new wave of female political representation in Australia. Known to be fiscally conservative, yet progressive on issues like climate change and social inclusion, each ran their campaign in traditionally safe federal Liberal seats. 

The “teals” came to the fore in 2019 when Zali Steggall won the seat of Warringah in  Sydney’s north, previously held by Tony Abbott. These new political strategists have proved that with a message of gender equality and action on climate change, voters are receptive to a shake-up of political order.


The Matildas World Cup Semi-Final Match Became the Most Watched Television Program in Australia’s History

The Matildas World Cup semi-final match against England was the most watched television program — sporting or otherwise — in Australian history, reaching 11.15 million viewers nationally. The previous record was reached when 8 million people tuned in to watch Cathy Freeman win gold at the 2000 Olympics. The semi-finals was the furthest any Australian team has ever made it in a world cup.

Parliament passed the Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill

The amendment was made to the Workplace Gender Equality Bill passed in 2012, which aims to add transparency and incentivise employers to accelerate the change being made for gender equality in the workplace. The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) will publish employer gender pay gaps for every Australian employer with over 100 employees. As over 78% of all Australian CEOs are men, the amendment plans to publicise and analyse the actions of large Australian employers and their contribution to gender equality progress. Employers will also have to publish their strategies, policies, and action plan to end workplace sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination.


Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with a Disability

This landmark royal commission seeks to document and recommend solutions to better prevent and respond to the mistreatment of people with a disability in this country. With a majority female commissioner panel, the report highlighted that women who are disabled and have a linguistically or culturally diverse background are at a higher risk of interpersonal and institutional abuse. 

Superannuation on Paid Parental Leave

On Thursday, 7 March 2024, the government announced – alongside the release of the Working for Women strategy – that from 1 July 2025 it will pay superannuation on government-funded Paid Parental Leave (PPL), which will be administered by the ATO. This measure is now law.


There's still more to be done.

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  • equally paid for the same work
  • safe on the streets and in our homes
  • equally represented in our parliament and leadership positions
  • in charge of our own bodies

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