About Bloody Time

About Bloody Time


This book digs deep into the menstrual taboo: where it exists, how it came to be and why it's so resilient. Our culture asks women and girls to view their bodies through a prism of negativity and fear. We want to change that.

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Club Respect

Club Respect


Club Respect will deliver strategic educational tools, helping sporting clubs to embed a culture of respect and harm prevention in all their practices.

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Rosie is a space where young women can connect with the best web resources out there, helping them to navigate life’s tricky situations. Rosie has a range of tips, links and videos all centered around a theme of respect - for your body & mind, in your relationships, at work and for the world we live in.

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Ourselves at Work

Ourselves at Work


Ourselves at Work: Creating positive menstrual culture in your workplace is a comprehensive guide for how to dismantle the menstrual taboo in workplaces, and replace it with a culture that embraces menstrual wellbeing.

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How to start conversations about menstruation in your workplace

How to start conversations about menstruation in your workplace


Check out our latest blog for tips on how to broach conversations about menstruation and menopause in your workplace. 

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Menstrual and Menopause Workplace Wellbeing Policy

Menstrual and Menopause Workplace Wellbeing Policy


Our menstrual workplace policy, co-written by Casimira Melican and Grace Mountford in 2016, and supported by About Bloody Time research allows staff members who are experiencing symptoms of menstruation or menopause the option to work flexibly.

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Agency & Resistance: Centring the Voices of Survivors in Violence Prevention

Agency & Resistance: Centring the Voices of Survivors in Violence Prevention


Catch up on 'Agency & Resistance', a violence prevention webinar with Nicole Lee, Fiona Hamilton and Jess Hill.

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so that in this lifetime we can be:

  • equally paid for the same work
  • safe on the streets and in our homes
  • equally represented in our parliament and leadership positions
  • in charge of our own bodies


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