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Vicki Macdermid

Leading Diversity & Inclusion Pitcher Partners, Founder and Program Director EQiLead

About Me

Vicki has a professional background in Business with a passion for enabling individuals in their business and personal lives.

Adversity can be an opportunity for learning and what we learn we should share. Horses have opened the universe for Vicki to learn and share those discoveries about herself. She believes that without a true understanding of ourselves, we cannot move forward to be our best selves. We need to strive to be and to see our best selves, to add to the rich tapestry of all around us. How do we see what our best selves are? First see the horse as a mirror – a mirror that does not lie.

Women intuitively are drawn to this but possibly men need it more and Vicki recognises real change can only come when men are on board. Vicki has developed EQiLead – Innovative Learnership Practice and has facilitated teams and organisations in transformational shifts in their awareness of self and others.

Vicki currently sits on the Victorian State Government Metropolitan Partnership (Southern) and an Employer Superannuation Fund.


Bachelor Business (Acc)
Chartered Accountant and CPA
Senior Assoc Finsia
Masters in Applied Entrepreneurship & Innovation
EAGALA certified professional
Member AICD

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