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Sue Keay

We need women creating the technologies of the future

Sue Keay

Chief Operating Officer

About Me

Recognised as Superstar of STEM by Science & Technology Australia, Sue is a trained scientist with highly developed business skills, who runs the world’s first robotic vision research centre. The Australian Centre for Robotic Vision, headquartered at QUT, has more than 200 researchers distributed across Australian and overseas research institutions. By creating robots that see and understand their environment, we will finally reach the tipping point where robots can assume capabilities that have previously only been imagined.

Sue has published Australia’s first Robotics Roadmap, identifying how Australia can build a successful robotics industry and recognising the potential impact that robotics and automation will have across every sector of the Australian economy.

With a PhD in Earth Sciences, Sue escaped the lab to move into research management and commercialisation. She is completing her MBA with UQ Business School, and successfully completed an international consulting project in public cloud adoption and cybersecurity with the Wharton Business School (UPenn). With interests in entrepreneurship and disruptive technologies, she is a judge for the James Dyson Awards and the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and serves on the Board of the CRC for Optimising Resource Extraction and the Expert Advisory Panel of Brisbane.AI.


BSc (Hons), PhD (Science), GAICD

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