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Shari Davies

I believe in the possibility of social change through communication; after all, our reality is created with words.

Well, not created exactly, but it's definitely super important.

Shari Davies

Director, Resources and Communications

About Me

Shari has 18 years of experience in writing, designing and publishing print resources, online content and digital multimedia. She is also an avid cartoonist and uses Photoshop at a highly proficient level to put friends and family members into iconic movie scenes.

She works in a family violence organisation within a feminist framework and her experience includes working in child and family welfare and social/affordable housing organisations. Before that, she cultivated her skills and shrewd business acumen in the corporate sector.

Shari has worked in Sydney, Melbourne, London as well as Hanoi as part of an AVI two-year skills exchange program.


BA Communications & Media
Graduate Diploma, Psychology

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