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Roz Bellamy

Writer, Educator & Presenter

About Me

Roz Bellamy is a freelance writer, editor and teacher whose work has appeared in Archer Magazine, Daily Life, Everyday Feminism (USA), Going Down Swinging, Junkee, Kill Your Darlings, PRISM International (Canada), SBS, Seizure, and The Big Issue. She writes creative nonfiction, including memoir and essays, poetry and fiction. She has just finished writing a book about marriage equality and queer identities, titled The Queerness of Marriage, and an excerpt was shortlisted for the 2014 Scribe Nonfiction Prize for Young Writers. She won the Stonnington Prize for Poetry in 2016.

She has participated in workshops run by Writers Victoria, The Wheeler Centre, The Monthly Masterclasses, The NSW Writers’ Centre, the University of New Mexico’s Summer Writers’ Conference (USA) and Mont Blanc Writing Workshop (France). She has studied with Australian and international writers, including Benjamin Law, Rebecca Starford, Maxine Beneba Clarke, Emily Rapp Black and Cheryl Strayed.

Roz has presented at the Emerging Writers’ Festival, the National Young Writers’ Festival and the international Hult Prize, and runs writing workshops for young people.


Bachelor of Communications in Creative Writing (Honours) from the University of Technology, Sydney
Master of Teaching (Secondary) from Monash University

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