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Romy Listo

PhD candidate, educator and advocate

About Me

Romy is currently completing her PhD in Gender Studies and Development at the University of Queensland. She has a background in international and community development. Her research takes an explicitly feminist framework and explores the role of material resources in women’s organising and empowerment in rural India, with a focus on energy resources.

Romy is an advocate for young women‘s healthy sexuality and relationships and has been representing Young Women’s Advisory Group and the Equality Rights Alliance since mid-2015. She is a contributor to YWAG‘s ‘Let‘s Talk‘ and ‘A Whole Generation Out of Date‘ reports on young women‘s experiences of sex education, as well as YWAG’s submission to the federal Department of Communication inquiry into a Civil Penalties Regime for the Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images.

Romy also works in the field of sexual and reproductive health as a sexuality and relationships educator at True Relationships and Reproductive Health.


Doctor of Philosophy (current, expected graduated in 2019)

Graduate Certificate of Community Development University of Queensland 2015

Bachelor of International Studies Hons University of Queensland 2013

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