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Peace Mitchell

Investing in women is the best way to change the world.

Peace Mitchell

Author & Entrepreneur

About Me

“Investing in women is the best way to solve all the problems of the world.”

Everyone is saying it, Oprah, the Dalai Lama, Melinda Gates and yet women at every level continue to be overlooked and undervalued.

Perhaps its not surprising that Australian women are now choosing to turn their backs on their former corporate careers, in their thousands, in search of more freedom, fulfillment and flexibility as entrepreneurs.

Peace Mitchell is passionate about supporting women to fulfill their potential as entrepreneurs and create successful and profitable businesses.

Peace is the co-founder of AusMumpreneur, Australia’s #1 co​mmunity for women starting business after motherhood, and The Women’s Business School, an unique educational approach which provides flexible & time efficient business education specially designed for women who’ve started their own business.


Bachelor of Education

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