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Louise Smith

Passionate about helping people reach their full potential

Louise Smith

Consultant and Adviser

About Me

Before retiring from the Australia Public Service Senior Executive Service in July 2017, I had the opportunity to hold a number of senior leadership roles covering policy development, strategy and planning, programme design and management and delivery, implementing and reviewing regulatory and policy frameworks, stakeholder engagement, change management investigative work and risk mitigation.

I am a highly experienced senior change leader, communicator and influencer. I have been both the architect and advocate of change as well as guiding and leading people, processes and systems through change. This demonstrates that I am a versatile, professional and experienced leader with significant organisational experience at a senior level.

While I have specific experience in immigration, my international and community experience, representational skills and programme integrity credentials are easily transferrable to a number of ‘public or community service’ domains.

Since February 2018, I have undertaken a number of projects spanning industry self-regulation, data and business intelligence strategies and service offer design with both the public sector and not-for-profit sector. I am currently managing a project with AMES Australia which combines my passion for enhancing the experience of migrants and their settlement outcomes with my expertise and experience in designing and delivering excellent service to clients and stakeholders.

I am also a mentor with Leadership Victoria’s African Leadership Development Program and the New and Emerging Communities Leadership Program. I have also mentored with the Brotherhood of St Laurence Stepping Stones program.


Master of Public Administration, Griffith University, 2007.

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