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Liz Conor

With over 30 years of speaking and public advocacy Liz is an experienced 'high-octane' ratbag who draws on an accomplished academic record to broach often unspoken yet unsettling issues. She has researched and interrogated the unquestioned assumptions at work behind porn, body image, monogamy, motherhood and exposed the entrenched notions around gender and race at work within our everyday encounters and media portrayals.

Liz Conor

Senior Researcher & Columnist

About Me

Liz Conor is a columnist at New Matilda and a senior research fellow at La Trobe University. She’s the author of Skin Deep: Settler Impressions of Aboriginal Women [UWAP 2016] and The Spectacular Modern Woman: Feminine Visibility in the 1920s [Indiana University Press, 2004]. She edits the scholarly journal Aboriginal History and has published widely in academic and mainstream press. Liz is a community campaigner, convening campaigns on the media portrayal of sexual violence, native title, maternity leave, and the guerilla theatre troupes The John Howard Ladies’ Auxiliary Fanclub (with Zelda Da, 1996) and ClimActs (with Deborah Hart 2013).


PhD Women's Studies La Trobe University.
ARC Future Fellow FT150100190, Graphic Encounters: Colonial Prints and the Inscription of Aboriginality, La Trobe University.
Co-editor, Journal of Aboriginal History.
Columnist, New Matilda.

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