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Leanne Sinclair

Associate Director Family Violence Response at Victoria Legal Aid

About Me

Leanne Sinclair is the Associate Director Family Violence Response at Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) and is responsible for leading VLA’s whole of organisation efforts to implement reform and innovation in family violence service delivery for the benefit of clients affected by family violence and of the community as a whole.
Leanne is leading VLA’s response to the recommendations for the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence and provides advice in relation to strategy, policy, legal issues and priorities relating to the provision of legal services as well as designing and implementing projects to improve services.

Previously, as Program Manager Family Violence at VLA, Leanne was responsible for managing VLA’s family violence services, coordinating and advising on law reform directions and strategic advocacy priorities as well as managing family violence projects throughout the state.

Leanne contributes to and sits on state wide law reform committees and stakeholder reference groups with the Department of Justice.

Leanne undertakes legal file work, provides family violence and family law duty lawyer services and acts as an Independent Children’s Lawyer in commonwealth parenting disputes, representing the best interests of children.

Leanne has a strong background in family law and family violence gained in government, the community sector and private practice. Leanne was the Principal Lawyer at Women’s Legal Service Victoria (WLSV), a state-wide Community Legal Centre that specialises in legal matters arising from relationship breakdown and violence against women for five years and worked in a busy private family law practice for three years.

Leanne was a past chair and board member of the Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service (WDVCS), a state wide service that coordinates a crisis response to victims of family violence.

To find out more about Leanne you can visit her LinkedIn profile by clicking this link.


Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts (Australian Policy Studies, German)

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