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Kellie O’Callaghan

Health & Community Advocate building community capability through Innovation & Co-design.

Kellie O’Callaghan

Health & Community Advocate. Health Consumer Innovation & Co-design. Mayor & Board Chair.

About Me

Kellie is a highly respected governance advisor, executive & board coach.
She has significant background in health & human services, in the development & management of community based services.
As a long term health service user & consumer advocate, Kellie gets straight to the heart of real & very practical ways organisations & communities can embed strength-led co-design into health planning & service delivery.
Kellie works with individuals & organisations to harness the great depth of opportunity for innovation that exists when you develop trusted, connected & genuinely engaged relationships with health consumers & stakeholders.

Kellie is a long serving Latrobe City Councillor & until recently Chair of the Latrobe Regional Hospital Board. She has served on a range of State Boards & Committees, including the Better Care Victoria Board & is also a non-executive director with the Gippsland Primary Health Network.
As the Mayor of Latrobe City Council, Kellie led Council’s advocacy response to the closure of the Latrobe Valley’s largest employer, the Hazelwood Power Station.
Determined to empower the community through this difficult time, Kellie created a co-design process which gave the community control in developing an ‘economic & community’ based response to the Hazelwood Power Station closure.
Guided by the voice of the community, she enthusiastically facilitated the development of “A Strength-Led Transition:” A community aspiration for a strong, sustainable & prosperous future.
Kellie’s vision & determination has delivered remarkable results for Latrobe. To date funding & significant support has been secured for job creation, education enhancement & improved community liveability. However, she insists that there is still much more to be done.

Twitter: @KellieOc
Facebook: Kellie O’Callaghan

| 2018 |


Bachelor of Arts, Social Science
Grad Dip Mental Health Science
Graduate Member – Australian Institute of Company Directors

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