Katherine Firth

Lecturer & Author

About Me

Dr Katherine Firth is an award-winning educator and author of multiple books in the fields of the arts, writing, research skills and history, as well as working as a poet and librettist. She is co-author of the books How to Fix your Academic Writing Trouble (Open University Press 2018), Your PhD Survival Guide (Routledge 2020) and Level Up your Essays (New South 2021), and Luther and the Arts: Music, Images and Drama to Promote the Reformation (Brill 2022). Her first solo authored book is Writing Well and Being Well for your PhD and Beyond: How to Cultivate a Strong and Sustainable Writing Practice for Life (Routledge 2023). Currently, she is Head of Lisa Bellear House, at the University of Melbourne, and a consultant at universities and federal agencies on communication skills, writing and productivity. She is also a Council Member of Anglicare Victoria, and a Justice of the Peace. 


MA (Cantab), MA PhD (Ox Brookes), Grad Dip (Edin)

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