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Jo Plummer MAICD, MBA

"Good Intentions are Never Enough"

Jo Plummer MAICD, MBA

Strategist, Agent for Change & Equalist

About Me

Her linked in profile will say she is an Agent for Change, Strategist and Equalist, but this is only part of the story.
Jo holds a portfolio of roles across Water, Women, Education and Sport. As a Board Chair and non-Executive Director for several organisations, her passion is finding the sweet spot between commercial, social and environmental alignment.
Her current roles include:
Board Chair – Barwon Water
Board Chair – Vic Water
Board Chair – Barwon Asset Solutions
Executive Director | co-Owner – Business in Heels International
Advisory Board Chair – Deakin Worldly MBA
Committee Chair – Geelong Regional Football
Geelong Committee Member – AICD
Previously, she worked across large corporates in both the private commercial, government and the NFP sectors and is a highly experienced business strategist. Through her international travels, and working with large brands such as Myer, Target, Ezibuy, Mitre 10 and TAC, she has seen and experienced first-hand what it takes to be successful and the power of positive relationships.
Communicating the facts and her story with an energising and entertaining style, Jo leaves her audience with much to think about. As a self-confessed “Change Agent Junkie” she will provide you with positive actions YOU can take. Jo challenges men and women alike, to discover and understand their thought limiting unconscious bias of those things they think to be true, and empowers them to take charge of what they know to be right.
“It’s a privilege in my position with Business in Heels and with a portfolio of Board roles, to ignite the energy and confidence needed by those who wish to get a seat to the table.”


Master of the Boardroom (MAICD)
MBA - Strategy & Planning; Leadership & Communication

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