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Janet Marie Borg

Harp therapy - Music for the Soul

About Me

For several years, Janet Borg loved working strategically as a Consultant on social justice innovations, both here and overseas.

Janet is an avid believer in us nurturing our own souls by exploring and expressing our passion and creativity. Only then can we truly give to others…

It’s now a new stage in Janet’s life and she is passionate and committed to playing the harp and soul coaching – finding bliss and serenity in our lives…

Janet creates a soundscape of improvised ambient harp music that does not intrude yet enhances an environment or special event. Her music is particularly appropriate for serenity and during prayer or meditation.

For several years she has played in leading hospitals for palliative care and oncology, including children and babies. She also plays in nursing homes for residents with dementia and in high care.

She recently played at VWT Breakthrough Program, Deepak Chopras ‘Neuroscience of enlightenment’ and released her CD at ‘An evening with Eckhart Tolle’

CD available on website.

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