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Evon Tan

I believe in making a difference in the community by inspiring and helping people grow.

Evon Tan

Co-Founder of Design Thinking Games / Senior User Experience Designer

About Me

Hi, I’m Evon. I’m a senior user experience designer and consultant. In my previous life, I’m an entrepreneur/fashion designer/chemical engineer. This has allowed me to express my creativity along with my logic thinking to identify and provide solutions to problems. I love adding value to every design that I create and solve problems through human-centered design.

I believe in making a difference in the community by inspiring and helping people grow; This 2017, I’ve founded Design Thinking Games.
The vision of DTG is to share the knowledge of design thinking process through playful games and creating social impact through the process.

I was previously nominated by the president of Singapore Women’s Association as a board member of their association. Singapore Women’s Association (SWA) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation committed to actively: provide opportunities for women to help one another socially, educationally, culturally and to serve the community especially the elderly (enhance better health, livelihood and social status for women and children).

In 2014, I’ve represented Singapore as part of the Singapore Women’s Association contingent in the 21st Federation of Asia-Pacific Women’s Association (FAWA) Convention and Symposium in Seoul, Korea.

Women leaders from 51 countries came together to addressed the issues of human rights (sex trafficking, human trafficking, reproductive health rights), economic development through women’s participation, political participation of women (will contribute to transformative politics), gender equality with sustainable development goals for NGOs, governments, and international governmental organizations such as United Nations to take concrete actions to eliminate all violence to women.


Statement of Accomplishment for Making Sense of Social Impact
Certificate in User Experience Immersive Course
Bachelors of Chemical Engineering

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