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Esperanza Torres

Measure & Evolve. Increasing impact by channelling insights into action.

Esperanza Torres

Evaluation Professional, Data Strategist, Mentor and Trainer

About Me

Esperanza has worked with both government and for-purpose organisations on projects ranging from the Victorian Protective Security Frameworks, to the creation of actionable Disability Action Plans in Healthcare. She has a strong interest in equal access to health, education, employment and financial wellbeing for all. She also has a keen interest in how the intersectional impact of disability, gender and ethnicity impacts social equity.

After many years working with both government and for purpose organisations on their data, evaluation and information needs, Esperanza has taken this experience to form Measure to Evolve. Measure to Evolve is an evaluation consultancy that aims to support organisations on their journey from creating strong data frameworks, to developing clear insights that inform service development, then conducting evaluation, and reporting on impact. Esperanza’s experience has taught her that many organisations struggle to both collect relevant data, and analyse it to support organisational growth. They also often struggle to evaluate impact, and understand what their funders need reported. Esperanza uses her experience of both sides of the reporting partnership, her grant experience, along with her technical skills, to support organisations with this. Her aim is to increase both staff and organisational capability through the development of strong data strategies and evaluation frameworks. Then work with organisations to utilise these to develop achievable actions that illustrate the real social impact they are having on their community.


Bachelor of Behavioural Science (psychology/sociology).
Master of Applied Social Research
Certificate of Social Return on Investment
Certificate of Social Impact Analysis

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