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Elizabeth  Young

Striving to change perceptions of refugees and people seeking asylum.

Elizabeth Young

Operations Manager

About Me

I am the national Operations Manager at an organisation committed to creating a more welcoming and inclusive Australia.

I am a passionate and dedicated professional with 9 years experience specialising in refugee issues and people seeking asylum. With experience in New Zealand, Australia, and on the Thailand/Burma border, I have worked in refugee resettlement with quota and humanitarian intake refugees, closed and community detention and community settings with people seeking asylum, and in the field with internally displaced people and those just beginning their refugee journey.

I sit on the City of Moreland Human Rights Advisory Committee, the Welcoming Cities Advisory and Governance Committies and was a recipient of the 2018 Women’s Board Leadership Scholarship. I also sit on the Editorial Board of ZjR, an academic journal focused on the study of comparative religion.


Master of Arts
Post Graduate Diploma
Bachelor of Arts

AICD Foundations of Governance Certificate
NZIM Certificate of Management

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