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Elizabeth Bell

To breathe well is to live well – it’s that simple.

Elizabeth Bell

Breath Coach

About Me

Elizabeth Bell is an artist and yogi with an abiding interest in the breath. She has come to understand that conscious connection and control of one’s breath elevates perception at every level. Her interest in the breath began much more prosaically, however. As someone living with asthma, management of the breath is vital. Literally.

At the end of the last millennium, and after decades of study and practice, she began teaching breath inspired yoga in Melbourne, Australia. Her contemplative art work also mirrors the cycle of the breath.

Elizabeth believes the advent of COVID19, with the mandatory wearing of masks in public, is a profound opportunity for us to learn how to breathe well. To this end she has created a breathing workshop for organisations and individuals.

It is a team building – stress reducing – desk-based – breathing – oriented – 30 minute session that unfailingly boosts the flagging spirits of any group working from home during the pandemic, especially as it addresses how to breathe well in the face-mask.

She is inspired to help everyone make peace with their face mask and to improve the level of breathing across the whole community. She imagines a world of calm, steady and focused people who respond to the challenges of life from a place of breath filled calmness and clarity.


MVA - Masters of Visual Art, University of Sydney
Yoga Therapy

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