Girls with dreams become women with vision.
Research Fellow
Health and Medical, Science, Technology and Innovation
PhD at Monash University, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Fellow at The University of Melbourne, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Lived Experience Consultant
Neuroscientist & Senior Research Fellow
Ernestine Burnett
Yoga and meditation teacher
Georgia Fields
Independent musician, songwriter and arranger
Sherry Babcock
Senior Urban Planner
Mandy McCracken
Speaker, Writer, Radio Presenter & Advocate.
Gayle Hardie
Co-founder of Global Leadership Foundation, Leadership Coach and Mentor
Susan Harris Rimmer
Diplomacy Expert, Analyst, Gender Advocate, International Human Rights Law
Debbie Lee
Simmone Howell
Sally Goldner AM
Acting Treasurer (previously Executive Director) Transgender Victoria
Amanda Blesing
Speaker, Author & Mentor
Jan Tennent
CEO, Biomedical Research Victoria
Sandra Sdraulig AM
Executive Coach & Founder, Through the Roof
Winitha Bonney
Thought Leader in the Future of Work and Advancing Women of Colour in Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Janet Marie Borg
Harp therapy - Music for the Soul
Grace Mountford
Project and Policy Officer
Kaitlyn Plyley
Writer & Performer
Andy Dinan
Charlotte Young
Facilitator, Cycles Awareness Coach, Writer
Tiina Takolander
Private Client Adviser
Kerrie Loveless
Energetic, passionate, supportive, fun and fair.
Moira Rayner
Principal, Moira Rayner & Associates
Alison Whittaker
Law scholar & author
Alison McClelland AM
Independent Consultant specialising in Social Policy and Facilitation
Anne Kavanagh
Head of Gender and Women's, Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Lead Investigator on the National Health and Medical Research Council
France Whiting
Newspaper Columnist
Pauline Taylor
Author, Speaker, Consultant
Danielle Binks
Writer, Literary Agent & Youth Literature Advocate
Dr Leah Kaminsky
Physician and Author
Azmeena Hussain
Senior Associate
Anna Go-Go
Mass dance master, inspirational leader, charismatic speaker, all round entertainer
Bron Williams
Potential Coach, author and speaker
Linette Etheredge
Presenter, Educator, Researcher – Healthy Intimate Relationships
Anita Goh
Research Fellow and Clinical Neuropsychologist
Nicole Heales
Financial Adviser, Mortgage Broker & Debt Reduction Specialist
Dr Zivit Inbar GAICD, FCPHR
Founder & CEO
Georgia Grace
Sex Educator and Intimacy Coach
Stephanie Lai
Writer & Climate Change Educator
Claire Ferres Miles
Acting Chief Executive Officer, City of Melbourne
Robyn Ballinger
Historian and heritage consultant
Deb Cox
Co-Founder & Creative Director
Maree Overall
Leah McPherson
Business Development and Project Manager
Marlee Jane Ward
Chelsea Bond
Dr Sabine Bellstedt
Astronomer & Astrophysicist
Amy Davies
Graphic and Web Designer
Binda Gokhale
Finance and Governance Professional
Zuleyha Keskin
Course Director and Senior Lecturer, CSU