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Dr Renate Klein

Feminist Health Activist, Academic, Writer, Publisher

About Me

Dr Renate Klein was Associate Professor, Women’s Studies at Deakin University until retirement in 2006 and taught courses on International Feminism, Reproductive Medicine and Feminist Ethics. Since the early 1980s she has conducted critical feminist research on the new and old reproductive technologies including international population control, IVF (fertility drugs), hormonal and immunological contraceptives, RU 486 and Gardasil. With Dr Susan Hawthorne she co-founded the independent feminist publishing company Spinifex Press in Melbourne in 1991.

She is the (co)author/(co)editor of 14 books including Test-Tube Women: What Future for Motherhood?, Infertility: Women’s Experiences with Reproductive Medicine, RU 486: Misconceptions, Myths and Morals, Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, Cyberfeminism and has chapters in Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls and Big Porn Inc.

Dr Klein has also conducted research on the medicalisation of women, Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, hormone replacement therapy and cloning. She has authored 23 book chapters and 38 journal articles.

Dr Renate Klein is a co-founder of FINRRAGE (International Feminist Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering) and an original signer of Stop Surrogacy Now. Her most recent book is Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation (2017).



MSc, Zürich University
BA (Honours), Women’s Studies, University of California
PhD, Sociology of Education, University of London
Research Associate, Department of Neurobiology, University of Zürich.

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