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Carly Siebentritt

Science Communicator

About Me

Carly worked for several years as a research assistant at the University of Melbourne looking at DNA prime, protein boost vaccines against HIV-1. Finding that lab work (and wriggling mice) weren’t quite for her, she completed a Grad Dip of Science Communication with the Science Circus at Questacon.

Returning to Melbourne she discovered her niche at CSIRO Education (now CSIRO Education and Outreach) working closely with colleagues to educate, entertain and engage a variety of audiences with science. Carly has project managed science community engagement events over the years for audiences ranging from industry groups, to schools, to comedians.

Carly is heavily involved in National Science Week and coordinates events across the country that showcase the importance of science in everyday life and demonstrate the value of scientific research from CSIRO and research groups across Australia.


Graduate Diploma in Science Communication
Honours in Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Science

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