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Watch: Every Response Matters | Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As part of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 2023, VWT hosted a discussion between Dr Skye Charry (Associate, Insight Exchange; Associate Professor, School of Law; and Gender Equity Consultant), Luke Addinsall (Associate Insight Exchange; Social Worker and Counsellor), and Mary Crooks AO (Executive Director, Victorian Women’s Trust) on sexual harassment at work.

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“Try again” Isy Oderberg on life and grief after pregnancy loss.

Combining in-depth investigative skills with her own lived experience and that of hundreds of others, Oderberg charts a course to improve the system and change the lives of anyone directly or indirectly touched by early pregnancy loss, with practical and generous advice and suggestions along the way.

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VWT Event | Women Represent: Power, Politics and Making a Difference

Hosted by the Victorian Women's Trust on Monday 31 October 2022, Women Represent: Power, Politics and Making a Difference was an online panel discussion which sought to unpack the power women hold in office (despite their numbers) and the ways in which women lead. Moderated by Mary Crooks AO and featuring panelists such as Ramona Vijeyarasa (author of 'The Woman President', a unique comparative study of women's leadership and the law); Fiona Patten MP (Leader of the Reason Party); The Hon. Judith Troeth (former Liberal MP); Samantha Ratnam (Leader of the...

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