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Webinar | Malevolent Influence: Schools and the Shadow of Andrew Tate

On Wed 1 May at 12pm AEST, the Victorian Women’s Trust will present an expert discussion on the rise of sexism and misogyny in Australian schools, featuring Anna Krien (journalist and author of Night Games: Sex, Power & Sport) and Dr Stephanie Wescott (feminist researcher and lecturer, Monash University). Register now.

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Heat Waves and Gender Gaps: Navigating the Complexities of Climate Change in Australia

Image: Chris Putman   Climate change represents a universal crisis, impacting every region of our planet through extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and shifting weather patterns. In the context of this global issue, Australia emerges as a crucial example where the dynamics of gender equality and climate change intersect markedly. This article aims to elucidate how climate change intensifies gender inequalities in Australia, emphasising the imperative of addressing these disparities to pave the way for a sustainable future. Economic Disparities and Female Vulnerability Economic disparities render women particularly susceptible...

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