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Ellen van Neerven’s Feminist Poetry Reading List

Congratulations to Mununjali Yugambeh author Ellen van Neerven on winning Book of the Year, Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry and Multicultural NSW Award at NSW Premier's Literary Awards for their second poetry collection, Throat! Here Ellen shares the key books and poets that significantly shaped the way they think about poetry and feminism. A must read.

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Reflections on Coercive Control

Megan Rosato reflects on 'Love, Power and Control' webinar series, featuring experts from the UK and Australia discussing the implications of criminalising coercive control.

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Watch | Town Hall panel: Can gender equality be achieved without reforming early childhood education?

  “The pandemic exposed some really good sides to this country, but it exposed some real weaknesses. And one of them is our childcare system.” - Mary Crooks On Thursday the 18th of March, Mary Crooks AO (executive director, Victorian Women’s Trust) moderated a virtual town hall event on early learning reform, hosted by the Victorian Women’s Trust in partnership with Thrive By Five. Together with panellists Fiona Stanley (child and public health researcher); Christina Hobbs (co-founder & CEO, Verve Super); and Rana Hussain (diversity and inclusion consultant); they discussed how we...

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