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Sala Goma reflects on her feminist journey

We've been so fortunate to have Sala Goma join our small team in recent months. Here she reflects on her feminist journey, and why she's passionate about intersectional feminism, first and foremost.

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Unbelievable: dismantling the narrative of the ‘perfect victim’ within the criminal justice system

The 'perfect victim' in the criminal justice system is a virgin. She's never had a drink. She doesn't post on social media. She's never sent an intimate message and she's unmarked in the eyes of the law. She comes forward at the perfect time. There are always witnesses to corroborate her story. She shares just enough with the public to be empathised with, but not too much, or she's hysterical. Most importantly, she doesn't exist. She's an ideal that sets every survivor up for failure, for judgement and to bear...

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Lucia Osborne-Crowley on the importance of trauma-informed care

CW: Sexual assault Lucia Osborne-Crowley is the author of I Choose Elena and My Body Keeps Your Secrets, two memoirs that deal with the aftermath of sexual trauma. Here, Lucia writes about the importance of trauma-informed care in clinical settings, and why it should be standard practice for the safety, empowerment and healing of all patients.  

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