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Becoming a good enough parent

This Perinatal Mental Health Week, mum and VWT Comms Officer, Rachael Imam, shares her experience of having PND after becoming a new parent. It's more challenging–and more common–than you might think.

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Get Red-y: Improving Victoria’s Menstrual Education

Georgia is an undergraduate student at the University of Melbourne, studying a Bachelor of Arts. She is a fellow endo-warrior and is passionate about women’s health and representation in politics. Georgia is inspired by the power of policy and advocacy to promote greater outcomes for women and is committed to achieving an equitable, inclusive and socially-just Australia for all.

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CyberSmart Women: Legal options for dealing with online harassment

Caitlin McGrane is the Project Lead—Enhancing Online Safety for Women at Gender Equity Victoria. Here, she tells us about CyberSmart Women, a guide commissioned by the Victorian Women’s Trust and produced by Gender Equity Victoria to inform women of their legal options in response to online harassment.

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Watch | Town Hall panel: Can gender equality be achieved without reforming early childhood education?

  “The pandemic exposed some really good sides to this country, but it exposed some real weaknesses. And one of them is our childcare system.” - Mary Crooks On Thursday the 18th of March, Mary Crooks AO (executive director, Victorian Women’s Trust) moderated a virtual town hall event on early learning reform, hosted by the Victorian Women’s Trust in partnership with Thrive By Five. Together with panellists Fiona Stanley (child and public health researcher); Christina Hobbs (co-founder & CEO, Verve Super); and Rana Hussain (diversity and inclusion consultant); they discussed how we...

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