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“Try again” Isy Oderberg on life and grief after pregnancy loss.

Combining in-depth investigative skills with her own lived experience and that of hundreds of others, Oderberg charts a course to improve the system and change the lives of anyone directly or indirectly touched by early pregnancy loss, with practical and generous advice and suggestions along the way.

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‘Giving voice to menopause’ Rosalind shares her story

Rosalind, a woman in her mid 80s, wrote to the Victorian Women's Trust recently. She had just finished reading our 2019 publication About Bloody Time: the Menstrual Revolution We Have to Have and said that she finally felt bold enough to share her own story, and the attitudes towards menstruation she had observed over the decades. In particular, Rosalind wanted to break down the silence and stigma surrounding menopause. The timing of Rosalind's letter was uncanny, as the documentary film, Giving Voice to Menopause (produced by She Listens) was about to...

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Lucia Osborne-Crowley on the importance of trauma-informed care

CW: Sexual assault Lucia Osborne-Crowley is the author of I Choose Elena and My Body Keeps Your Secrets, two memoirs that deal with the aftermath of sexual trauma. Here, Lucia writes about the importance of trauma-informed care in clinical settings, and why it should be standard practice for the safety, empowerment and healing of all patients.  

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Watch: VWT x Thrive By Five – What can childcare reform deliver for women and children?

To celebrate International Women's Day on 8 March 2022, the Victorian Women's Trust, in partnership with Thrive By Five ran a discussion event with panelists Angela Jackson, Nyadol Nyuon, Jacqueline Emery and Jay Weatherill, canvassing the issues of childcare reform and examining the current state of affairs. Where to get help in Australia: 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 Lifeline 13 11 14 Watch the video, view the chat log and read the transcript below.  TRANSCRIPT 00:01:23.000 --> 00:01:36.000 MARY: Welcome everyone and happy International Women's Day, the 8th of March 2022. I'm Mary Crooks and I'm the...

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The Making of Giving Voice to Menopause

Along with The Wood Foundation, the Victorian Women's Benevolent Trust proudly provided funding to help She Listens produce Giving Voice to Menopause—a short documentary that listens deeply to experiences of menopause, and redefines how we talk about it. Here, director Libby Chow talks about the experience of making this crucial film.  

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