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Arts + Culture

Boys Being Boys?

In this article for the Trust Journal, medical student Niranjanan Sriganeshwaran explains why he was compelled to write a one person play unmasking toxic masculinity.

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Lucia Osborne-Crowley on the importance of trauma-informed care

CW: Sexual assault Lucia Osborne-Crowley is the author of I Choose Elena and My Body Keeps Your Secrets, two memoirs that deal with the aftermath of sexual trauma. Here, Lucia writes about the importance of trauma-informed care in clinical settings, and why it should be standard practice for the safety, empowerment and healing of all patients.  

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Hermina Burns’ Feminist Poetry Reading List

Hermina Burns is a co-host of our 2020 poetry podcast Between the Leaves , and an accomplished poet in her own right. Hermina is the author of four poetry collections, Bite of a Bluebottle and Against Separation Creek (2019), and the just published Crossing a Line and Dodging the Relative. Hermina sees her roles of poet and feminist as intimately intertwined. Here, she shares a collection of poems that invite a reflection on feminism and the many issues women and gender diverse people face.  

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women’s work

It's our privilege to publish this new poem from Maxine Beneba Clarke. women's work speaks to the ways in which gendered attitudes towards domestic labour changed during the pandemic. Maxine's new collection HOW DECENT FOLK BEHAVE is out now.  

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Watch: Empowering Women Talk

Catch up on 'Empowering Women', a Zoom panel talk including authors Susie Allanson and Lizzie O’Shea, Hugh de Kretser (CEO, Human Rights Law Centre) and moderator Santilla Chingaipe.

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Ellen van Neerven’s Feminist Poetry Reading List

Congratulations to Mununjali Yugambeh author Ellen van Neerven on winning Book of the Year, Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry and Multicultural NSW Award at NSW Premier's Literary Awards for their second poetry collection, Throat! Here Ellen shares the key books and poets that significantly shaped the way they think about poetry and feminism. A must read.

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