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Between the Leaves
Preview | “Unfinished Business” by Dr. Jeanine Leane

“I came back decades later to rooms she cleaned

in ruins of a homestead on the River of

my Country. Cast iron gates built on years of

bumper crops, golden fleeces, free labour, swing

open on rusty hinges like pages in an unfinished story.”

About the author

Jeanine Leane is a Wiradjuri writer, teacher and academic from southwest New South Wales. After a longer teaching career, she completed a doctorate in Australian literature and Aboriginal representation and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Australian Centre for Indigenous History at the Australian National University.


Hosts Ellen van Neerven, Hermina Burns
Poem Leane, Jeanine. “Unfinished Business”. Cordite Poetry Review, 1 February 2019.
Music (Intro) Loop Lady – 2. In the Middle by Sally Whitwell; (outro) Black Smoke by Emily Wurramara
Co-producers Mary Crooks AO, Maria Chetcuti, Ally Oliver-Perham
Sound engineer Nicholas Pollock
Recording  Squeak E. Clean Studios, the Voice Plant
Graphic design Aimee Carruthers