Featured poets
Kirli Saunders
Hermina Burns
Elizabeth Alexander
Ellen van Neerven
Candy Royalle
Anne Elder
Poems (in order of appearance)
Saunders, Kirli. “Aunty.” Kindred Magabala Books, 2019.
Alexander, Elizabeth. “Butter.” Body of Life Tia Chucha Press, 1996.
Royalle, Candy. “Mother.” The Disappearing Project, Red Room Poetry, 2012.
Elder, Anne. “Just for Today.”
Burns, Hermina. “Foraging.” Bite of a Bluebottle Bristlebird Press, 2019.
van Neerven, Ellen. “Bold and Beautiful”. Throat University of Queensland Press, 2020.
Hosts Ellen van Neerven, Hermina Burns
Music (Intro) Loop Lady – 2. In the Middle by Sally Whitwell; (outro) Black Smoke by Emily Wurramara
Co-producers Mary Crooks AO, Maria Chetcuti, Ally Oliver-Perham
Sound engineer Nicholas Pollock
Recording Squeak E. Clean Studios, the Voice Plant
Graphic design Aimee Carruthers