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Money Power Freedom - Ep #3 27 November 2019

Work in Progress

In this episode Cal and Santi are talking work; getting paid what you are worth; and how a job is so much more than just a job. There’s still lots to be done about women’s equality but luckily there are folks on the job (pun intended) to ensure the work that women do is counted, respected and fairly remunerated. To quote Barbadian businesswoman and singer-songwriter Rihanna: “Work, work, work, work, work.” Indeed!

Duration: 34min 34sec
→ Tips + Resources: Women + work
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Note: this episode was recorded prior to the landmark collective bargaining agreement negotiated by the Matildas, Australian national women’s soccer team, enshrining pay parity and related benefits for all players. Go team!

Van Badham
writer and unionist
Layne Beachley AO pro surfing legend
Michelle Sheppard Transgender Community Liaison Officer, Fitted for Work
Roberts Client Referral Coordinator, Fitted for Work

Hana Assafiri OAM community advocate and restaurant owner, the Moroccan Soup Bar
Dame Marilyn Waring DZNM author and feminist economist

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