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Watch | Energy: Is Nuclear an Option for Australia?

Watch | Energy: Is Nuclear an Option for Australia?


Catch up on our Trust Women expert discussion of nuclear policy in Australia, featuring Wendy Farmer and Alex Engel-Mallon.

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Carly Findlay OAM on the power of speech

Carly Findlay OAM on the power of speech


Award winning writer Carly Findlay reflects on why it's so important to platform women with disabilities.

Carly Findlay OAM Read more
Introducing Trust Women: A Webinar Series on the Policy Issues That Matter

Introducing Trust Women: A Webinar Series on the Policy Issues That Matter


Join the Victorian Women’s Trust for Trust Women: Lunch Break Sessions — a new webinar series designed to break down some of the most important gender equality policy challenges facing Australia today.

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Four diverse changemakers join the Victorian Women’s Trust board

Four diverse changemakers join the Victorian Women’s Trust board


The Victorian Women’s Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of Mudiwa Chipungu, Neha Samar, Fleur Katsmartin and Dr Emma McNicol to the Board.

Ally Oliver-Perham Read more

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so that in this lifetime we will be:

  • equally paid for the same work
  • safe on the streets and in our homes
  • equally represented in our parliament and leadership positions
  • in charge of our own bodies

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